Christmas is not just a party for children and shopping. It is all about love for everyone, and that is why we must celebrate the season with giving for free in community. Find your local one and set your spirit of Christmas free.
Happy Birthday, Mill!
Sometimes fun for free shows up in places where you least expect it. This happened on a bright Summer day on a trip with my family to the small Danish island Fejø. The 114-year-old mill in village turned out to be very generous.
Do you see the light?
Feeling low on energy in the dark cold Winter? Don’t worry – Copenhagen Light Festival is here to brighten up your life. On opening night DJ Simon Dokkedal and Labyrinth of Light were the creative frame of what to do in the dark.
What’s Cooking in future?
What can you do to produce food 10 times cheaper, 10 times faster and 10 times easier? A FoodJam hosted by Growstack comes closer to the answer as engineering with food will be a much wanted skill in an (over)populated future.
One for Democracy!
The annual Democracy Baton is not a prize for something which has been done, but something which much be done in the forthcoming year. The World Kitchen is now ready to move their project from Aalborg to the rest of Denmark.